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8120 Bridgetown Road
Cleves, OH, 45002
United States


The Van- Dell's are entertainment at its finest. As the nation's #1 50's and 60's rock and roll tribute show, they have been entertaining audiences for 41 years with their unique blend of comedy, choreography, and tight harmonies. As a full production show, the Van-Dells are backed by a five piece band and fronted by three lead singers. Mark Barnett, Stacy "Duke" Todd and Steve "Moose" Ricks take on original personas and deliver out of this world vocal performances all while keeping the audience engaged and laughing throughout their fast paced and upbeat show. The Van-Dells have been called “The 3 Stooges set to music” with a fun show that's good for the whole family.   The Van-Dells continue growing their loyal fan base by traveling the nation and playing all of your favorite hits from one of the best era's in American music. From DooWop classics, to Elvis and everything in between there's something for everyone to enjoy.







This is a mixed studio and live record from 2016.

Shop Around

It’s Just A Matter of Time

Walk Right Back

Donna, The Prima Donna

Fools Rush In

This Time


Whole Lotta Shakin Goin’ On / Great Balls of Fire (Live)

It’s Now or Never (Live)

Kiss & Say Good-bye (Live)

It's Only Make Believe (Live)

In The Still of the Night/Goodnight Sweetheart (Live)

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